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Discussion- supreme court_American Govt

Discussion- supreme court_American Govt

Q Should there only be a simple majority vote needed (more than 50) for someone to get the lifetime during good behavior job of a U.S. Supreme Court Justice? Why or why not? Should U.S. Supreme Court Justices need to be confirmed with support of 60 Senators as would be required for a cloture vote? Why or why not? What do you think are some of the characteristics that should be considered when Senators are voting on whether to confirm someone? Should it only be education and past legal experience? Do you think that how they may decide matters should be a factor? Please support or explain your viewpoint.

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1. In my personal opinion, it can be said that I do not think that the majority vote is enough to make someone get the lifetime during good behavior job of a U.S. Supreme Court Justice. I feel that 50 votes are considered very easy for the important job and in my suggestion, 100 votes can be considered to be taken so that there is an assurance that the person is suitable for the position by a majority of the votes and he is qualified for being a U.S. Supreme Court Justice.